Real time closures

Since September 1th 2009, the EU has operated a scheme with realtime closures in the Northsea and Skagerrak in areas with presence of juvenile cod, haddock, whiting and saithe.

Since September 1st 2009, the EU has operated a scheme with realtime closures in the Northsea and Skagerrak in areas with presence of:

  • juvenile cod
  • haddock
  • whiting
  • pollock

The present regulation is shown in Commission Regulation (EU) No 724/2010 of 12 August 2010 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of real-time closures of certain fisheries in the North Sea and Skagerrak, and changed in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 783/2011 of 5 August 2011. 

The details are as follows:

Closure will be based only on information gathered during inspections at sea

Fish below the following sizes will be regarded as juveniles:

- Cod 35 cm
- Haddock 30 cm
- Whiting 27 cm
- Saithe 35 cm

The trigger level will be 10 % by weight of the total of the four species, calculated from a minimum 200 kg sample. However, if the quantity of cod exceeds 75 % of the total, the trigger level will be 7.5 %

The area will be closed in 21 days

Inside the area may be used:

- Pelagic trawls
- Purse seines
- Driftnets
- Jiggers targeting pelagic species (herring, mackerel and horse mackerel)
- Pots

Gillnets may be used if the mesh size is in accordance with technical regulations applicable in the fisheries for:
